Local node "Anchor failed for commit"

Following Spencer’s guidance in reference to "Signature does not belong to issuer" error - #8 by alexcarbon , I updated ceramic-cacao on my UI (and my ceramic node, just to be safe) and only receive a more explicit error:

1|ceramic daemon | [2022-09-21T04:43:19.286Z] WARNING: Error while applying commit bagcqcera4b5d5k4n4d364x3wzxte4a4ldqpcvrel6oijff4efpu2lbqjmhnq to stream k2t6wyfsu4pfznmyljas6jo9pa9vhogneopbbzcxuyj15r52uwscq6nqzhf9ih: Error: Signature does not belong to issuer
1|ceramic daemon | [2022-09-21T04:43:19.288Z] ERROR: Error: Signature does not belong to issuer

Oh :frowning:

Can you see if @ukstv’s suggestion from here (about removing the package lockfile) helps? I think that might do the trick.

Though I’m guessing you already tried that :confused: Just wanted to double-check.

Indeed I have. Removed yarn.lock, removed node_modules. Reinstalled.

As stated, this did something: my error levelled up from

WARNING: Anchor failed for commit bagcqcerawddeh7ux6jcsfzpu53dmaolfardon22bpl3ri3duafs6dgs75iwa of stream k2t6wyfsu4pfznmyljas6jo9pa9vhogneopbbzcxuyj15r52uwscq6nqzhf9ih: Request has failed. Commit could not be loaded

to also include

WARNING: Error while applying commit bagcqcerark7uv6f27mustoimzt5rwjmnanggv7xlvl7e2rvixfwfuougkhma to stream k2t6wyfsu4pfznmyljas6jo9pa9vhogneopbbzcxuyj15r52uwscq6nqzhf9ih: Error: Signature does not belong to issuer

ERROR: Error: Signature does not belong to issuer

I’ve also added yarn resolutions for the several ceramic packages which have been released since this known breaking change but still use the outdated ceramic-cacao as a dependency:

“resolutions”: {
@ceramicnetwork/blockchain-utils-linking//ceramic-cacao": “^1.4.0”,
/ceramic-cacao”: “^1.4.0”,
@ceramicnetwork/did-session//ceramic-cacao": “^1.4.0”,
/ceramic-cacao”: “^1.4.0”

yarn why v1.22.5
[1/4] Why do we have the module “ceramic-cacao”…?
[2/4] Initialising dependency graph…
[3/4] Finding dependency…
[4/4] Calculating file sizes…
=> Found “ceramic-cacao@1.4.0”
info Reasons this module exists

  • project#@cambrian#app” depends on it
  • Hoisted from “project#@cambrian#app#ceramic-cacao”
  • Hoisted from “project#@cambrian#app#@ceramicnetwork#blockchain-utils-linking#ceramic-cacao”
  • Hoisted from “project#@cambrian#app#@ceramicnetwork#common#ceramic-cacao”
  • Hoisted from “project#@cambrian#app#did-session#ceramic-cacao”
  • Hoisted from “project#@cambrian#app#dids#ceramic-cacao”

I saw in Discord that it finally worked. Is that correct?

Sorry for the prolonged back-and-forth trying to figure this out :frowning:

All fixed. Described the solution here: "Signature does not belong to issuer" error - #12 by zkTRUTH

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