TerraForm Issues: "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND go-ipfs-ceramic-prod-4-1-internal.XXX.com"

I did have a public dns hosted zone with a record for for go-ipfs-ceramic-prod-4-1-internal.example.com. Spent a chunk of time researching the issue given your response. I was able to resolve this specific issue by setting up a Private DNS hosted zone for the VPC and adding the record there. You have to deploy with terraform, let the ceramic container initially reach a looping failed state where it can’t find the ipfs container, then you can associate the DNS.

I am going to write out the full steps I used (see this thread on VPC config if you need prior context):

  • Create a public hosted zone ceramic.example.com (must own domain on route53)
    • assuming you have a separate hosted zone for example.com, add a NS record to the example.com hosted zone with the value being the nameservers found in the ceramic.example.com hosted zone
    • Create ACM certificate for ceramic.example.com (I had *.ceramic.example.com as secondary domain on SSL certificate but not sure if it matters) and add it to the ceramic.example.com hosted domain in route53 (button press)
  • terraform apply
  • Create private hosted zone ceramic.example.com
    • Create A record go-ipfs-ceramic-prod-4-1-internal.ceramic.example.com (numbers may or may not change for you), pick alias > application/ classic load balancer > dualstack.internal-ceramic-prod-4-1-ipfs-nd-in-XXXXXXXX.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.

There are still some issues so I don’t bother with adding the routes for the public ceramic.example.com hosted zones but it is the same process pointed to the public ipfs and ceramic ALB’s I assume. If it is not there will be another thread :mask:

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