Cannot install Compose DB CLI

Hello! I was working through this tutorial about ComposeDB and I’m getting an error when running

composedb did:generate-private-key

bash: composedb: command not found

I’ve gone through the install steps twice, and tried restarting my terminal and running again. You can see the package.json and package-lock.json file here
I’m seeing this error on a package which seems to want me to downgrade my vesion of node.

npm install --location=global @composedb/cli@^0.3.0
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'nist-weierstrauss@1.5.1',
npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=14.06' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.14.2', npm: '8.5.0' }
npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module

added 438 packages, and audited 439 packages in 9s

70 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

for me, I was not able to install globally either (you should see a fatal error in that step)

I am using npm -v 8.11.0 and on a macbook with Intel.

I just installed it locally to test, further but I’ve had quite a few issues so want to follow this as well.


Currently running into the same issue. Tried all the things mentioned by OP, as well as changing different node versions but nothing helped so far.


@paul could you take a look at this?

@jpvajda from the logs you’re showing it seems the installation was successful, no?

I don’t know what can be the cause of your issue but it most likely has to do with your local node/npm setup, maybe not having the binaries lookup paths correctly set?

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Thanks for the tip @paul. I’m not super familiar with how to check my binary look up paths, is there any documentation on that you could reference?

Hey zitzak, can you share more about the error?

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So I was able to solve it, at least the point where I got the initial error. It was some overside/inexperience on my side.

Because the command listed here always returned zsh: command not found: composedb, I assumed that this happened because during the installation process I got this error, no matter if I switched node or npm package:

npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'nist-weierstrauss@1.5.1',
npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=14.06' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v18.0.0', npm: '8.6.0' }

My mistake here was that I literally copy => paste the command that references the composedb lib because somehow in my mind I associated it with like a shell program. As soon as I added npm/yarn upfront it worked :man_facepalming:

Thanks however for the quick and active responses to the thread from the community

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For whoever might have a similar issue, I ended up installing the cli as a devDependency instead of the documented pnpm add -g @composedb/cli@^0.3.0 I do pnpm add -D @composedb/cli@^0.3.0. Then, within my package.json, I add a pnpm script like the following:

    "echo:did": "composedb did:from-private-key $(cat local.key)",

Then I run from my terminal pnpm run echo:did, which simplifies my workflow and will eventually be helpful for any CI/CD setup in the future.

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Based on some of the comments above about the documentation commands just being incorrect I was able to fix my issue where I was getting this error after running composedb did:generate-private-key

Unknown command: "composedb"

instead of running npm install --location=global @composedb/cli@^0.3.0 which what was in the CLI documentation I just ran npm install -g @composedb/cli@^0.3.0 and then composedb did:generate-private-key

Which finally ran successfully. :partying_face:

✔ Generating random private key... Done!
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