Compatibility of Ceramic/ComposeDB with oAuth2?

The current process of authentication through Ceramic requires a service for issuing verifiable credentials that link the decentralized identifier (DID) to various social accounts including Twitter, Github, and Discord (identity-link as an example).
However this process is sometimes time consuming and might be a roadblock for some of the end users (having to post a tweet, enter the link to the tweet, etc…).

oAuth2 being the standard for authentication at the moment, and the fact that’s it’s simple to use and most end users are already used to its process, I was wondering if there is any compatibility possible between Ceramic and oAuth2, and whether we really need that layer of decentralization during the authentication ? A hybrid solution that would include both the simplicity of use of oAuth2 and the Data Ownership that ceramic proposes would be interesting to consider.

Would love your opinions on this, thanks !

@zfer @jthor could one of you weigh in on this?