Connecting to ethereum rpc provider that exceeded rate limit

I have encountered the error when I was creating a model by the latest ceramic node:
[2023-09-27T09:23:41.537Z] ERROR: Error loading transaction info for transaction 0x57ff85b0c0258c2572ae20b6799ff8512224505646afa120119dc09426de4223 from Ethereum: Error: timeout (requestBody=“{“method”:“eth_getTransactionByHash”,“params”:[“0x57ff85b0c0258c2572ae20b6799ff8512224505646afa120119dc09426de4223”],“id”:818,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}”, requestMethod=“POST”, timeout=120000, url=“”, code=TIMEOUT, version=web/5.7.1)
[2023-09-27T09:23:41.537Z] WARNING: Error when validating anchor commit: Error: timeout (requestBody=“{“method”:“eth_getTransactionByHash”,“params”:[“0x57ff85b0c0258c2572ae20b6799ff8512224505646afa120119dc09426de4223”],“id”:818,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}”, requestMethod=“POST”, timeout=120000, url=“”, code=TIMEOUT, version=web/5.7.1)
[2023-09-27T09:23:41.538Z] WARNING: Error while applying commit bafyreiherel672bgpbdoudvwfmqgjf34vujqnpw4jfw5enl3wsr3mpkfom to stream kjzl6kcym7w8y8qi3q1wvvtgu62c8mt3o4v8gairgrwhb22ycpl4e4hkay516a2: Error: timeout (requestBody=“{“method”:“eth_getTransactionByHash”,“params”:[“0x57ff85b0c0258c2572ae20b6799ff8512224505646afa120119dc09426de4223”],“id”:818,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}”, requestMethod=“POST”, timeout=120000, url=“”, code=TIMEOUT, version=web/5.7.1)

I got a notice when starting the ceramic node, that my ceramic node indexed more than 100 models.:laughing: Is this the problem due to the rate limit of the Ethereum RPC provider?

If I want to replace the Ethereum RPC provider, will it work when I only configure ethereum-rpc-url value to another URL?

Why is there a gnosis dependency tho?

To recap what was shared on Discord, the error is the free tier from Ankr rate limiting your access to validate transactions against the gnosis blockchain (which is what the Ceramic Clay Testnet uses for blockchain anchoring). You can pay Ankr (or another ethereum RPC provider) for higher rate access to gnosis (or run your own gnosis validator and use it as your rpc endpoint).