Error on create large text

Hi I create a article with large text description, at the model field have 100000 char max length but it have error on “‘Internal Server Error’: {“error”:“insert into "kjzl6hvfrbw6caap8rc0v1urzsmvgyzx66y81azfavai64fr07se3f5avjjys1y" ("controller_did", "created_at", "custom_profileID", "first_anchored_at", "last_anchored_at", "stream_content", "stream_id", "tip", "updated_at") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) on conflict ("stream_id") do update set "stream_id" = $10,"controller_did" = $11,"stream_content" = $12,"tip" = $13,"last_anchored_at" = $14,"first_anchored_at" = $15,"updated_at" = $16,"custom_profileID" = $17 - index row requires 10280 bytes, maximum size is 8191”}”

This error seems to be coming from Postgres, which ComposeDB uses to index stream data. If you google that error message you can see lots of other Postgres users have encountered it. It’s not recommended to put an index on such a large field, can you avoid indexing this large text field?