So I applied what I said previously. I successfully authenticated the admin DID specified in the config file I changed using the ComposeDB seed it generated. I also added the anchor, auth-method to did. I also set the privateSeedUrl to “inplace:ed25519#”. I set the network to mainnet too.
Once I did that, I deleted all my pods so that they can reset, and when I checked the logs of the js-ceramic-0 pod, the Ceramic API was successfully running on But then after that, there were errors of “ERROR: Error loading Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics: HTTPError: block was not found locally (offline)”
If I remember correctly, someone in another topic said this was an issue on Ceramic side, and the models they have available. Is this correct? I would also like to provide you the full log of the js-ceramic-0 pod, including the config file it was reading.
[2025-01-23T18:32:15.978Z] WARNING: Running on mainnet without providing an ethereumRpcUrl is not recommended. Using the default ethereum provided may result in your requests being rate limited
[2025-01-23T18:32:15.981Z] IMPORTANT: Starting Ceramic Daemon with @ceramicnetwork/cli package version 6.11.0, with js-ceramic repo git hash 4050fc1021e9a682d588fac662d3d7ef6f2eb73e, and with config:
“anchor”: {
“auth-method”: “did”
“http-api”: {
“cors-allowed-origins”: [
“admin-dids”: [
“ipfs”: {
“mode”: “remote”,
“host”: “http://ceramic-one-0:5101”,
“disable-peer-data-sync”: false
“logger”: {
“log-level”: 2,
“log-to-files”: false
“metrics”: {
“prometheus-exporter-enabled”: true,
“prometheus-exporter-port”: 9464,
“metrics-exporter-enabled”: false,
“metrics-publisher-enabled”: true
“network”: {
“name”: “mainnet”
“node”: {},
“state-store”: {
“mode”: “fs”,
“local-directory”: “/js-ceramic-data/statestore”
“indexing”: {
“db”: “postgres://ceramic:ceramic@postgres/ceramic”,
“allow-queries-before-historical-sync”: true,
“disable-composedb”: false,
“enable-historical-sync”: false
[2025-01-23T18:32:15.982Z] IMPORTANT: Connecting to IPFS node with version “ceramic-one/0.17.0” available as /ip4/, /ip4/
[2025-01-23T18:32:15.986Z] WARNING: No pubsub querier detected, won’t be able to load tips from the network
[2025-01-23T18:32:15.987Z] IMPORTANT: Initializing PostgreSQL connection with 10 max connections
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.079Z] IMPORTANT: Node DID set to ‘did:key:z6MktGj9164daKA6M7gjz1fARb7ZcYkdC9Za8VCWXgH3Jmoj’. This DID will be used to authenticate to the anchor service
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.080Z] IMPORTANT: Connecting to ceramic network ‘mainnet’ using ceramic-one with Recon for data synchronization.
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.341Z] IMPORTANT: Creating ComposeDB config table: ceramic_models
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.432Z] IMPORTANT: Creating ComposeDB config table: ceramic_model_implements
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.433Z] IMPORTANT: Creating ComposeDB config table: ceramic_config
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.579Z] WARNING: Recon: failed to verify network with error Error: HTTP request to ‘http://ceramic-one-0:5101/ceramic/config/network’ failed with status ‘Not Found’: . This is likely due to an older version of ceramic-one and you should upgrade.
[2025-01-23T18:32:16.584Z] IMPORTANT: Connecting to bootstrap peers for network mainnet
[2025-01-23T18:32:17.203Z] IMPORTANT: Connected to anchor service ‘’ with supported anchor chains [‘eip155:1’]
[2025-01-23T18:32:17.204Z] WARNING: No pinned streams detected. This is expected if this is the first time this node has been run, but may indicate a problem with the node’s persistence setup if it should have pinned streams
[2025-01-23T18:32:17.214Z] IMPORTANT: Ceramic API running on’
[2025-01-23T18:32:17.215Z] IMPORTANT: Waiting for Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics to be available locally
[2025-01-23T18:32:20.336Z] ERROR: Error loading Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics: HTTPError: block was not found locally (offline)
[2025-01-23T18:33:59.562Z] ERROR: Error loading Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics: HTTPError: block was not found locally (offline)
[2025-01-23T18:42:31.587Z] ERROR: Error loading Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics: HTTPError: block was not found locally (offline)
[2025-01-23T18:51:03.618Z] ERROR: Error loading Model kjzl6hvfrbw6cb9pd0bl7zmm28h3qszh56ccpn50vsmrl7clroy4fvln00z7q6q used to publish Node Metrics: HTTPError: block was not found locally (offline)