Scheduled: Data deletion of public Ceramic nodes hosted by 3Box Labs on Clay testnet

Hi everyone! Back in August, we migrated our testnets [from Ropsten to Gnosis chain](Discord. As part of our usual housekeeping, we are planning to wipe out the data stored on the public Ceramic nodes hosted by 3BoxLabs, more specifically - Ceramic read/write nodes on Clay testnet. Cleaning up the data will ensure that there are no conflicts with anchor commits made on now-deprecated Ropsten network, which has been causing issues for some of our community members.

Data deletion will take place next week, January 18th. It’s very important to note that users who are running their own nodes won’t be affected. If you are using public Ceramic nodes hosted by 3BoxLabs and would like to preserve data, we encourage you to run your own node and pin the streams you’d like to keep.

Hello community! Just a reminder that we are going to wipe out the data on public Ceramic nodes hosted by 3Box Labs on Clay testnet very soon. For more details on why and who needs to take some action, please check out the message above!