Stuck on starting Ceramic node in the example wheel app

I’m trying to start the example wheel app…
and it won’t start
it is stuck here

[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:30.626Z] IMPORTANT: Connecting to ceramic network ‘testnet-clay’ using pubsub topic ‘/ceramic/testnet-clay’

[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:30.647Z] IMPORTANT: Starting indexing for Model kjzl6hvfrbw6c6qh3kjhz49g5avpjnndg29no3wbzudn9ssosm0jhrq9lctthd6
⠏ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:33.860Z] IMPORTANT: Starting indexing for Model kjzl6hvfrbw6c8u4lfdzlrriu4tgm98dydku1j005fpcmsnwsfmkd7wr4xfk800
⠧ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:36.864Z] IMPORTANT: Starting indexing for Model kjzl6hvfrbw6c5l92a7up28lri8lhja438tzoqledeqzf6vq0kk9d7zcn2in4s0
⠦ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:40.819Z] IMPORTANT: Connected to anchor service ‘’ with supported anchor chains [‘eip155:100’]
⠹ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
[Ceramic] [2023-07-29T14:22:41.300Z] IMPORTANT: Ceramic API running on’
⠦ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
for 15 minutes already so it’s definitely stuck…

Hello @0x69A ,

I wanted to see if you’re still stuck on this issue given your more recent forum post from today - are you still encountering this during start-up? If so, a few things I occasionally do on my end to ensure a clean start when running and testing locally are the following:

  1. Run ‘killall ipfs’ in your terminal
  2. Run ‘npx kill-port 7007’ in your terminal
  3. Killing the terminal altogether and opening a new one