Unable to query, works using Yoga GraphiQL but not with ComposeClient

Hi guys, I’m having issue interacting data with ComposeClient, it works on the GraphiQL. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you



This looks like the same error as (from Discord user: elcharitas) Please help, I am running a local ceramic node and I keep getting this error: - #16 by christina and Running ceramicstudio/ceramic-eas - #3 by spencer, which was fixed with Fix Uint8Array inputs for concatenation calls (#3048) · ceramicnetwork/js-ceramic@2b75468 · GitHub. Maybe the ComposeDB libraries just need to be updated to use the newest version of the Ceramic libraries.

@paul has there been a ComposeDB release to pick up these fixes yet?

@Rizky if you haven’t yet please double-check that you are using the most recent versions of the Ceramic and ComposeDB packages.

Yes, the latest version of ComposeDB (v0.6) should have Ceramic dependencies including the fix.

thank you guys, it’s fixed!

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