Using DIDSession with createDagJWE


I’ve spent the weekend updating my app to use the DIDSession (vs old 3idConnect). First steps were easy, woot.

however I also use did.createDagJWE and it turns out that a DID from one session cannot decrypt a JWE from another session. Setting did.parent as a recipient is no good either as it’s an unsupportedDidMethod. Makes sense, as each sessions DID is actually unrelated.

Any suggestions how I can use both DIDSession & createDagJWE? Or should I just use a different method of encrypting my data?

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So my temp workaround:

I always have a signer, so I’m creating a temp DID using the following:

  const msg = await signer.signMessage("This gives permission to read or write profile data");

  const privateKey = fromString(msg.slice(2), 'base16')
  const oneOffDid = new DID({
    resolver: getResolver(),
    provider: new Ed25519Provider(privateKey.slice(0, 32)),
  await oneOffDid.authenticate();
  return oneOffDid;

then creating the JWE with

  const oneOffDid = await getOneOffEncryptDid(client);
  const owners = new Set([, ...recipients])
  const encrypted = await oneOffDid.createDagJWE(clean, [...owners])

It’s bit of an icky workaround, but from the it-works viewpoint… well, it works.

Is there any obvious reason this is a terrible idea? The signature should have plenty of entropy, and worst-case scenario is an attacker gaining control of the signer (at which point it is pretty hard to mitigate)


This approach is reasonable and is what I’d suggest using. 3ID Connect (which is no longer actively supported) used a similar trick behind the scenes.

The only modification I’d propose for you is to use the hash of the signature (msg in your case) instead of the signature directly.