¿What ComposeDB schemas should be used to represent profile information?

Accompanying the initial release of the Ceramic network were several Ceramic Improvement Proposals (CIPs) defining schemas for certain fundamental data types. Amongst these was CIP-19 which defined the “basicProfile”.

The field descriptions for the basicProfile from CIP-19 are:

Property Description Value Max Size Example
name a name string 150 char Mary Smith
image an image Image sources
description a short description string 420 char This is my cool description.
emoji an emoji unicode 2 char :1234:
background a background image (3:1 ratio) Image sources
birthDate a date of birth ISO 8601 10 char 1990-04-24
url a url string 240 char http://ceramic.network
gender a gender string 42 char female
homeLocation a place of residence string 140 char Berlin
residenceCountry a country of residence ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 2 char DE
nationalities nationalities array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 values 2 char CN
affiliations affiliations array of strings 240 char Ceramic Ecosystem Alliance

Additionally, MetaGame uses an extendedProfile to store some additional fields:

  • username: name in the basicProfile allows the storage of an arbitrarily spaced, capitalized, and punctuated text-based identifier for someone. username is primarily for use in interfaces, frequently part of a URL.
  • pageBackground: basicProfile stores a profile image and a header banner (recommended 3:1 image ratio). This is an image to be used as the background image for the page.
  • pronouns: A users preferred way of designating themselves pronominally. Generally specified as the singular and possessive forms separated by a slash. I.e. “he / his” or “they / their”.
  • magicDisposition: Magic: The Gathering uses a five color character alignment matrix. Players may have any, all, or none of the five colors: white, blue, black, red, and green. Each color represents a valuation of certain priorities over others.

    This string is simply the first letter of each present color, except for black which uses a “K” to avoid conflicting with blue, e.g. “RGWK”.
  • availableHours: The number of hours the user is available each week for work projects.
  • playerType: A descriptor that signifies in which aspect of the development process, from initial exploration to final maintenance, the user is most comfortable.

Finally, we store a list of categorized skills in Hasura, but would like to migrate that into Ceramic.

Structurally, my understanding is:

“There are tradeoffs between smaller vs larger Models. The advantage of smaller Models is they are more modular, easier to compose in different combinations, and allow apps to depend on exactly the data they need and no more. The primary disadvantage of smaller Models, however, is that data belong to two different Models cannot be updated atomically.”

Also, ComposeDB will cache all instances of a followed Model, not just data created on itself. So, each independent aspect of the profile should be represented as its own schema.

The only real danger is a catastrophic failure during the saving process and a profile ends up only partially saved which is unlikely and doesn’t sound like a show-stopper if it happens.

This question was originally posed on @ceramicstudio’s GitHub Discussion Forum, but was migrated here as that forum is destined to be obsolesced. In it’s original location, it received one response from @Carlit0eth:

Hey! We are building Orbis a web3 social protocol based on Ceramic - we are not using Composites (yet) but we developed our schema for profile, it could be helpful: cerscan.com/mainnet/stream/k3y52l7qbv1frxhn39k40plvupdqqna03kdgorggo0274ojggr7z93ex979jyp14w.

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There is no “official” profile Model in ComposeDB currently, so we’d encourage you to make your own. As for how much to include in a single model vs breaking up into smaller models, it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on the core technical tradeoffs. I also made an additional comment to this post with a bit more detail.

Beyond that if you have any additional questions or there’s any other way we can assist you in designing your Model schemas, please let us know!

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