What was Your Ceramic "Aha" Moment?

The multifaceted benefits of building on Ceramic are already obvious to teams and developers currently building exciting applications and communities on the network. Whether you’re working on a product like Gitcoin Passport that already has consistent usage and volume, or your product has not hit the market yet, there’s a set of reasons you chose Ceramic for your product’s data.

There is a multitude of established and emerging projects and developers out there who have not yet reached the level of understanding and familiarity you, our community, have. As an organization, we strive to constantly evolve and improve how we speak to those projects and developers in a way that gets right at the heart of why you’re here.

What We Are Looking For

The goal of this post is to better understand what the inflection point was for our community by asking you directly. More specifically, we’re hoping you can remember and share the how and why specifics of your own “aha” moment experience.

Example Prompts

For example, here are some prompts that might help guide your response (feel free to include as little or as many as you’d like, in addition to ones not represented here):

  • Is there a specific feature (data sync, for example), that helped you fully realize how data composability is manifested in Ceramic?
  • Is the data composability aspect even the most important Ceramic narrative to you? Is it something else?
  • Why did you choose Ceramic? What other options were you using/experimenting with before?
  • Was there a specific guide, tutorial, docs page, or YouTube video that brought you over the realization finish line?
  • Why does your application’s use case benefit from the features Ceramic offers? What problem does Ceramic solve for you?
  • Was there a particular experience, guide, tutorial, etc. that distinctly differentiated Ceramic from other options for you, leading you to choose it as the dStorage solution for your project?
  • Are there obvious gaps in the documentation, marketing material, and code examples that (if they existed) would speak more directly to the reason you chose to build on Ceramic?

The Outcome

As mentioned above, our goal is to constantly improve the way we align the needs of developers with the problems Ceramic can solve for them. Potential ways we might use this feedback could include:

  • Alterations to our narrative that we’ll use verbally in conversation with developers, or communicate across our marketing material
  • Improvements to our docs to help developers get to the “aha” moment faster
  • Additional examples, tutorials, and guides to do the same as the bullet above

We’re hoping you’ll participate - feel free to include as little or as much detail as you’d like. We look forward to hearing from you!


This was definitely a turning point for me when I realized that I could define relationships to data created by other people using ComposeDB. It’s been months, but it still seems crazy when you think about it.


Working on Orbis for the past 1.5 years, I had multiple wow moments that were only possible via Ceramic:

  • As identity/content are entangled, transparency and verifiable user interaction become real. When I checked in Cerscan (and saw streams being stored on Ceramic), I could finally see what was happening in the background and trust it. Imagine seeing Twitter database in real-time :exploding_head:
  • Composability as a user is less “wow” for now (apart from some experiments on Orbis when you were able to see your profile information across applications). However, as a builder, it becomes exciting as we are starting more collaboration based on common data challenges (e.g verifiable credentials).

Loving these responses, @seref and @Charleslev !

One big takeaway we’re trying to obtain is how we can do a better job of “showing” (instead of just talking about) these aha moments. I’m trying to translate this feedback into concrete action items. For example, expanding the capabilities of our sandbox page to allow users to write data instead of just performing read operations, and potentially navigate to a different UI (perhaps Cerscan, S3, or a local app) and see these results.

What I’m hearing is that a significant milestone in the “aha” question is being able to see verified user data you’ve created populate/being used across different environments in real-time.

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