Queries by fields

Can I query items by some field

by name or signers

  "data": {
    "contractIndex": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "kjzl6kcym7w8y7lw222sviznf2tjcrwsvgby84m3u0wqx3xc0w5axomqqnl9ycl",
            "name": "Contract 1",
            "signers": [
                "id": "did:key:z6Mkjfhf6n2YyvePbNB14jLrKwQQNk6KpVJ1zoa5a72die5Q"
                "id": "did:key:z6MkmR18k9FciQUkbYiCAnLxv1N15ghECKEUVYo4asfMHEdE"
            "status": null,
            "initiator": {
              "id": "did:key:z6MkjQT5bSB8sMFAFch8ds582BdZupAfxd3M5CC1omSCgtCt"
            "expiry": null

Filtering queries based on specific fields is currently not supported, but it’s under consideration for future releases.

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Thanks! In October? with relationships?

It’s not specifically set on the roadmap yet so it won’t be part of the October release for sure.
We’ll have a major release in early 2023 so it could make it by then, but if it doesn’t get prioritized for this release it will be added later.

Thank you! I’ll wait. while I receive data by field on the client

Hey Ivan,

I’m a product manager for Ceramic - I’ve captured your need to query custom fields within model. You can expect Relations on the Developer Preview Oct 7, and then this feature should be coming around November. You’re actually the second person today to mention this feature request so we are prioritizing this as soon as we can!

I will say there’s a bit of a hacky workaround you can try in the meantime

So if you have a backend application server you could also connect directly to the database - there is a postgres JSONB column with all the content from the document. You could add JSONB indexes on specific fields in that content and then query that content directly.

For example:

       FROM kjz_model_table
       WHERE stream_content->'settings'->'dark_mode' = 'true’;

Thanks for your patience! Excited to hear more about what you’re building.


Thanks a lot! I will wait

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Hey Avi,

I am a developer from WhatsCookin’. We are building an application for a client with composedb in mind. And we are also waiting for this feature to be implemented.

Just letting you know.

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I was wondering what’s the status of this feature request. Was this released already?

We at DevNode also would greatly appreciate queries, that would simplify our tech stack by a lot and also help us put more data on Ceramic instead of centralised databases.

I noticed that queries currently only accept first, before and after clauses. I suppose this feature will include a where clause, right?


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Hey Andrei, this is definitely our top requested feature, but likely arriving in March. We are finishing up some major changes that will allow apps to sync all historical data for a model + stability upgrades. Apologies for the wait and thank you for your patience.


Hi Avi. Is there any update on this? I think it is almost an must have feature to support query by fields. If ceramic is not considering support officially, we will probably have to roll our own version… but that’s less ideal

Hey Liang, this is the #1 most requested feature. Now that we’ve shipped ComposeDB Beta at ETHDenver, this will be coming shortly. We are doing our quarterly feature planning right now and I’ll get back to you with an exact timeline.


Hey! Looking forward to see this released!


we’re spec’ing this now! will be one of the first features we ship this quarter.

i assume this means you guys are continuing to build denoted?

Hey @avi , completely missed this! Yes, we are continuing with denoted!


We just shared a draft of the design for query filtering and ordering. Feedback is definitely appreciated so we can finalize designs and move to implementation.

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